vineri, 19 aprilie 2013

The exams passed for now and I'm very excited to find out my mark so thinking about it it's all I can do!
But I haven't forgot about you,guys!
Here's something absolutely brilliant for you:
Enjoy this impossibility,little devils!

luni, 15 aprilie 2013

I've decided to post in english  from now,so in this way more people would understand.
I know I haven't post for a while,but the exams are coming so...
Anyway I hope I'm not the only one who wants to do it,but in a way or other anything is going to be alright,just like Bob Marley said,despite the fact that there was about women...I'm a little weird today so let's just let the music take us!
Enjoy and keep trying little devils! 

joi, 4 aprilie 2013

Deocamdata eu spun "Noapte Buna!",dragilor,iar maine ne vedem cu multe multe multe stiri si muzica buna!
Sa aveti un somn plin de dracusori!
Acum vreau sa va impartasesc cate ceva despre gusturile mele...
In general stilurile mele in materie de muzica sunt rock-ul,metal-ul si muzica trista/soul.
Artistii preferati:Bruno Mars,RyanDan,Jason Walker.
Trupe Preferate:MCR(My Chemical Romance),There For Tomorrow,Linkin Park,Sum 41,Paramore,3 days Grace,Nickelback,Green Day,Foo Fighters.
Astept parerile voastre,dar si sa stiu ce anume va place si voua.
Voi incerca sa tin cont de gusturile voastre cand postez.
Dar pana atunci,iata o melodie pe care eu una o ador:
Eu sunt Bella,Blogger principal al paginii SadSongsFanatik!
Am creat acest Blog pentru a-mi exterioriza dragostea pentru muzica buna si pentru a ajuta si pe altii sa faca acelasi lucru!
Enjoy and Rock on!